Reality Modeling
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Production Settings

Production settings are a set of optional settings that allow you to specify different options and their usage to produce an output closer to what you’d like.

Specifying production settings

If you want to apply specific settings to the productions - that is outputs like 3MX, OBJ, etc. - you can add a file in the workspace reality data: the file prod_settings.json has to be uploaded to /{jobId}/data/. Note that no check on the uploaded file is performed until the job is actually submitted, and if the parameters are not fitted to the inputs, the job will fail. Also, if you provide this file, all the outputs should be present in the file. That is, if you requested OBJ and FBX, both of these outputs should be present in the file, even if you only want to apply specific settings to the OBJ format, see the example.

Example of a production settings file

  "ProductionSettingsExchange": [
      "name": "OBJ",
      "settings": {
        "TexturedEnabled": false,
        "DoublePrecision": true
      "name": "FBX",
      "settings": ""

List of existing production settings

You will find here a complete list of the existing options for the existing Reality Modeling formats.


The following options are available for Bentley Scalable Mesh (3SM).

3SM sample

  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalUnit": "Absolute",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureCompressionQuality": "75",
  "MaximumTextureSize": "2048",
  "TextureSharpening": "100",
  "LODType": "Adaptive",
  "LODScope": "AcrossTiles",
  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx"

bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)
  • Resolution (Resolution of input data)

double TextureColorSourceResRangeMin sets the resolution value that will be represented as green color in case of Resolution texture.If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceResRangeMax sets the resolution value that will be represented as red color in case of Resolution texture. If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


string TextureColorSourceThermalUnit handles the unit for the Thermal texture. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored. Possible values are:

  • Absolute (Absolute values)
  • Equalized (Equalized values)
  • Celsius (Celsius degrees)
  • Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit degrees)

double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the lower bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the upper bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


int TextureCompressionQuality sets the quality of the output texture. Possible values are:

  • 100 (100% quality JPEG)
  • 90 (90% quality JPEG)
  • 75 (75% quality JPEG)
  • 50 (50% quality JPEG)

int MaximumTextureSize sets the maximum size for one texture file.


int TextureSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

string LODType specifies the type of Level of Details to be used for the production. Possible values are:

  • Adaptive (Adaptive tree)

string LODScope specifies the scope of the computation of the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • TileWise (Tile-wise)
  • AcrossTiles (Across tiles)

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


The following options are available for Legacy 3MX.

3MX sample

  "SkirtLength": "0",
  "TileOverlap": "-1",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalUnit": "Absolute",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureCompressionQuality": "75",
  "MaximumTextureSize": "8192",
  "TextureSharpening": "100",
  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "SRSOrigin": "15.0; 2.3; -25.3",
  "LODType": "Adaptive",
  "LODScope": "TileWise",
  "LODSize": "2.82842712474619",
  "GenerateWebGLApp": "false",
  "IncludeProxy3DModel": "false",
  "SiblingsShareTextureMaps": "true"

double The skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt length is given in pixels.


double TileOverlap handles the overlap distance between two tiles in order to avoid gaps. The size is in units/meters/feet depending of the coordinate systems of the production.


bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)
  • Resolution (Resolution of input data)

double TextureColorSourceResRangeMin sets the resolution value that will be represented as green color in case of Resolution texture.If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceResRangeMax sets the resolution value that will be represented as red color in case of Resolution texture. If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


string TextureColorSourceThermalUnit handles the unit for the Thermal texture. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored. Possible values are:

  • Absolute (Absolute values)
  • Equalized (Equalized values)
  • Celsius (Celsius degrees)
  • Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit degrees)

double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the lower bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the upper bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


int TextureCompressionQuality sets the quality of the output texture. Possible values are:

  • 100 (100% quality JPEG)
  • 90 (90% quality JPEG)
  • 75 (75% quality JPEG)
  • 50 (50% quality JPEG)

int MaximumTextureSize sets the maximum size for one texture file.


int TextureSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


string SRSOrigin describes the origin of the Spatial Reference System.


string LODType specifies the type of Level of Details to be used for the production. Possible values are:

  • None (None)
  • Adaptive (Adaptive tree)

string LODScope specifies the scope of the computation of the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • TileWise (Tile-wise)
  • AcrossTiles (Across tiles)

double LODSize specifies the size of the nodes for the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • 2.82842712474619 (2XL)
  • 2 (XL)
  • 1.4142135623731 (Large)
  • 1 (Medium)

bool GenerateWebGLApp sets if the web application is generated. The web application is needed if you want to host your model on your own server.


bool IncludeProxy3DModel sets if a proxy model is generated for the web application.


bool SiblingsShareTextureMaps specifies if the siblings in the same Level of Details level should share texture maps.


The following options are available for OBJ wavefront format.

OBJ sample

  "SkirtLength": "0",
  "TileOverlap": "-1",
  "LODType": "None",
  "LODScope": "TileWise",
  "LODSize": "2.82842712474619",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalUnit": "Absolute",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureCompressionQuality": "75",
  "MaximumTextureSize": "8192",
  "TextureSharpening": "100",
  "TouchupEnabled": "false",
  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "SRSOrigin": "15.0; 2.3; -25.3",
  "DoublePrecision": "false"

double The skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt length is given in pixels.


double TileOverlap handles the overlap distance between two tiles in order to avoid gaps. The size is in units/meters/feet depending of the coordinate systems of the production.


string LODType specifies the type of Level of Details to be used for the production. Possible values are:

  • None (None)
  • Unary (Simple levels)
  • Quadtree (Quadtree)
  • Octree (Octree)
  • Adaptive (Adaptive tree)
  • BingMaps (Bing Maps Tile System)

string LODScope specifies the scope of the computation of the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • TileWise (Tile-wise)
  • AcrossTiles (Across tiles)

double LODSize specifies the size of the nodes for the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • 2.82842712474619 (2XL)
  • 2 (XL)
  • 1.4142135623731 (Large)
  • 1 (Medium)

bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)
  • Resolution (Resolution of input data)

double TextureColorSourceResRangeMin sets the resolution value that will be represented as green color in case of Resolution texture.If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceResRangeMax sets the resolution value that will be represented as red color in case of Resolution texture. If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


string TextureColorSourceThermalUnit handles the unit for the Thermal texture. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored. Possible values are:

  • Absolute (Absolute values)
  • Equalized (Equalized values)
  • Celsius (Celsius degrees)
  • Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit degrees)

double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the lower bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the upper bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


int TextureCompressionQuality sets the quality of the output texture. Possible values are:

  • 100 (100% quality JPEG)
  • 90 (90% quality JPEG)
  • 75 (75% quality JPEG)
  • 50 (50% quality JPEG)

int MaximumTextureSize sets the maximum size for one texture file.


int TextureSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

bool TouchupEnabled specifies if the production is intended for future retouching.


string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


string SRSOrigin describes the origin of the Spatial Reference System.


bool DoublePrecision sets if the production is written with double precision.

Cesium 3D Tiles

The following options are available for Cesium 3D Tiles.

Cesium 3D Tiles sample

  "SkirtLength": "0",
  "TileOverlap": "-1",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalUnit": "Absolute",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureCompressionQuality": "75",
  "MaximumTextureSize": "2048",
  "TextureSharpening": "100",
  "LODType": "Adaptive",
  "LODScope": "TileWise",
  "LODSize": "2.82842712474619",
  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "GenerateCesiumApp": "true",
  "VertexNormal": "true",
  "Compress": "None"

double The skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt length is given in pixels.


double TileOverlap handles the overlap distance between two tiles in order to avoid gaps. The size is in units/meters/feet depending of the coordinate systems of the production.


bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)
  • Resolution (Resolution of input data)

double TextureColorSourceResRangeMin sets the resolution value that will be represented as green color in case of Resolution texture.If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceResRangeMax sets the resolution value that will be represented as red color in case of Resolution texture. If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


string TextureColorSourceThermalUnit handles the unit for the Thermal texture. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored. Possible values are:

  • Absolute (Absolute values)
  • Equalized (Equalized values)
  • Celsius (Celsius degrees)
  • Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit degrees)

double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the lower bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the upper bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


int TextureCompressionQuality sets the quality of the output texture. Possible values are:

  • 100 (100% quality JPEG)
  • 90 (90% quality JPEG)
  • 75 (75% quality JPEG)
  • 50 (50% quality JPEG)

int MaximumTextureSize sets the maximum size for one texture file.


int TextureSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

string LODType specifies the type of Level of Details to be used for the production. Possible values are:

  • Adaptive (Adaptive tree)

string LODScope specifies the scope of the computation of the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • TileWise (Tile-wise)
  • AcrossTiles (Across tiles)

double LODSize specifies the size of the nodes for the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • 2.82842712474619 (2XL)
  • 2 (XL)
  • 1.4142135623731 (Large)
  • 1 (Medium)

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


bool GenerateCesiumApp sets if a minimal Cesium application is generated.


bool VertexNormal sets if vertex normal are computed.


string Compress sets the compression method for the production. Possible values are:

  • None (No compression)
  • Draco (Draco compression)

ESRI i3s

The following options are available for ESRI Indexed 3d Scene Layer (I3S).

ESRI i3s sample

  "SkirtLength": "0",
  "TileOverlap": "-1",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalUnit": "Absolute",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureCompressionQuality": "75",
  "MaximumTextureSize": "2048",
  "TextureSharpening": "100",
  "LODType": "Adaptive",
  "LODScope": "TileWise",
  "LODSize": "2.82842712474619",
  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "VertexNormal": "true",
  "FormatVersion": "1.8"

double The skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt length is given in pixels.


double TileOverlap handles the overlap distance between two tiles in order to avoid gaps. The size is in units/meters/feet depending of the coordinate systems of the production.


bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)
  • Resolution (Resolution of input data)

double TextureColorSourceResRangeMin sets the resolution value that will be represented as green color in case of Resolution texture.If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceResRangeMax sets the resolution value that will be represented as red color in case of Resolution texture. If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


string TextureColorSourceThermalUnit handles the unit for the Thermal texture. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored. Possible values are:

  • Absolute (Absolute values)
  • Equalized (Equalized values)
  • Celsius (Celsius degrees)
  • Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit degrees)

double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the lower bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the upper bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


int TextureCompressionQuality sets the quality of the output texture. Possible values are:

  • 100 (100% quality JPEG)
  • 90 (90% quality JPEG)
  • 75 (75% quality JPEG)
  • 50 (50% quality JPEG)

int MaximumTextureSize sets the maximum size for one texture file.


int TextureSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

string LODType specifies the type of Level of Details to be used for the production. Possible values are:

  • Octree (Octree)
  • Adaptive (Adaptive tree)

string LODScope specifies the scope of the computation of the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • TileWise (Tile-wise)
  • AcrossTiles (Across tiles)

double LODSize specifies the size of the nodes for the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • 2.82842712474619 (2XL)
  • 2 (XL)
  • 1.4142135623731 (Large)
  • 1 (Medium)

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


bool VertexNormal sets if vertex normal are computed.


string FormatVersion specifies the version for ESRI production. Possible values are:

  • 1.6 (i3s version 1.6)
  • 1.8 (i3s version 1.8)


The following options are available for ASPRS LASer (LAS).

LAS sample

  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "PointSamplingUnit": "pixel",
  "PointSamplingDistance": "1",
  "CompressionMethod": "None",
  "MergePointClouds": "false",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible"

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


string PointSamplingUnit specifies the unit used for sampling the production. Pixel means One point every x pixels so that the sampling is relative to the resolution of your input. Meter or unit means One point every x unit so that the sampling is uniform for the point cloud. Possible values are:

  • pixel (pixel)
  • meter (meter)
  • unit (unit)

double PointSamplingDistance sets the sampling distance, relative to the unit chosen.


string CompressionMethod sets the compression method for the production. Possible values are:

  • None (No compression)
  • LAZ (LAZ (compressed LAS))

bool MergePointClouds specifies if point clouds for each tiles is merged at the end of the processing. Beware that for some format with no level of details (LAS for example), setting this option will lead to a very large file.


bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)


The following options are available for Orthophoto/DSM.

Orthophoto/DSM sample

  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "SamplingDistance": "0.1",
  "ProjectionMode": "HighestPoint",
  "MaxImagePartDimension": "4096",
  "MergeImageParts": "true",
  "Orthophoto": {
    "Enabled": "true",
    "Format": "GeoTIFF",
    "NoDataValue": "0 0 0",
    "ColorSource": "Reference3dModelVisible",
    "ImageSharpening": "100"
  "DSM": {
    "Enabled": "true",
    "Format": "GeoTIFF",
    "NoDataValue": "-9999"

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


double SamplingDistance specifies the size of a pixel in the raster. Beware, depending of the format, this distance can be specified in degrees.


string ProjectionMode specifies how the geometry is projected on the raster. Possible values are:

  • HighestPoint (Highest point)
  • LowestPoint (Lowest point)

int MaxImagePartDimension sets the maximum size of the output rasters.


bool MergeImageParts specifies if the output rasters are merged in one single file.


bool Enabled specifies if the Orthophoto output is produced.


string Format specifies the Orthophoto output format. Possible values are:

  • KML_SuperOverlay (KML Super-overlay)

string NoDataValue specifies the color if there is no data to fill the raster.


string ColorSource specifies which the color is projected on the raster. Possible values are:

  • Reference3dModelVisible (Reference model visible colors)
  • OptimizedComputationVisible (Optimized computation visible colors)
  • Reference3dModelThermal (Reference model thermal imagery)
  • OptimizedComputationThermal (Optimized computation thermal imagery)

int ImageSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

bool Enabled specifies if the DSM output is produced.


string Format specifies the DSM output format. Possible values are:

  • XYZ (XYZ)
  • ASC (ESRI ASCII raster/ASC)

double NoDataValue specifies the value if there is no data to fill the raster.


The following options are available for Pointools POD file format.

POD sample

  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "PointSamplingUnit": "pixel",
  "PointSamplingDistance": "1",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "MergePointClouds": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible"

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


string PointSamplingUnit specifies the unit used for sampling the production. Pixel means One point every x pixels so that the sampling is relative to the resolution of your input. Meter or unit means One point every x unit so that the sampling is uniform for the point cloud. Possible values are:

  • pixel (pixel)
  • meter (meter)
  • unit (unit)

double PointSamplingDistance sets the sampling distance, relative to the unit chosen.


bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


bool MergePointClouds specifies if point clouds for each tiles is merged at the end of the processing. Beware that for some format with no level of details (LAS for example), setting this option will lead to a very large file.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)


The following options are available for Polygon file format (PLY).

PLY sample

  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "PointSamplingUnit": "pixel",
  "PointSamplingDistance": "1",
  "IncludeNormals": "false",
  "MergePointClouds": "false",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible"

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


string PointSamplingUnit specifies the unit used for sampling the production. Pixel means One point every x pixels so that the sampling is relative to the resolution of your input. Meter or unit means One point every x unit so that the sampling is uniform for the point cloud. Possible values are:

  • pixel (pixel)
  • meter (meter)
  • unit (unit)

double PointSamplingDistance sets the sampling distance, relative to the unit chosen.


bool IncludeNormals sets if the normals should be included in the production.


bool MergePointClouds specifies if point clouds for each tiles is merged at the end of the processing. Beware that for some format with no level of details (LAS for example), setting this option will lead to a very large file.


bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)


The following options are available for Point Cloud format (OPC).

OPC sample

  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "PointSamplingUnit": "pixel",
  "PointSamplingDistance": "1",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible"

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


string PointSamplingUnit specifies the unit used for sampling the production. Pixel means One point every x pixels so that the sampling is relative to the resolution of your input. Meter or unit means One point every x unit so that the sampling is uniform for the point cloud. Possible values are:

  • pixel (pixel)
  • meter (meter)
  • unit (unit)

double PointSamplingDistance sets the sampling distance, relative to the unit chosen.


bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)


The following options are available for Autodesk FBX.

FBX sample

  "SkirtLength": "0",
  "TileOverlap": "-1",
  "LODType": "None",
  "LODScope": "TileWise",
  "LODSize": "2.82842712474619",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalUnit": "Absolute",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureCompressionQuality": "75",
  "MaximumTextureSize": "8192",
  "TextureSharpening": "100",
  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "SRSOrigin": "15.0; 2.3; -25.3",
  "VertexNormal": "true"

double The skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt length is given in pixels.


double TileOverlap handles the overlap distance between two tiles in order to avoid gaps. The size is in units/meters/feet depending of the coordinate systems of the production.


string LODType specifies the type of Level of Details to be used for the production. Possible values are:

  • None (None)
  • Unary (Simple levels)
  • Quadtree (Quadtree)
  • Octree (Octree)
  • Adaptive (Adaptive tree)
  • BingMaps (Bing Maps Tile System)

string LODScope specifies the scope of the computation of the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • TileWise (Tile-wise)
  • AcrossTiles (Across tiles)

double LODSize specifies the size of the nodes for the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • 2.82842712474619 (2XL)
  • 2 (XL)
  • 1.4142135623731 (Large)
  • 1 (Medium)

bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)
  • Resolution (Resolution of input data)

double TextureColorSourceResRangeMin sets the resolution value that will be represented as green color in case of Resolution texture.If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceResRangeMax sets the resolution value that will be represented as red color in case of Resolution texture. If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


string TextureColorSourceThermalUnit handles the unit for the Thermal texture. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored. Possible values are:

  • Absolute (Absolute values)
  • Equalized (Equalized values)
  • Celsius (Celsius degrees)
  • Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit degrees)

double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the lower bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the upper bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


int TextureCompressionQuality sets the quality of the output texture. Possible values are:

  • 100 (100% quality JPEG)
  • 90 (90% quality JPEG)
  • 75 (75% quality JPEG)
  • 50 (50% quality JPEG)

int MaximumTextureSize sets the maximum size for one texture file.


int TextureSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


string SRSOrigin describes the origin of the Spatial Reference System.


bool VertexNormal sets if vertex normal are computed.


The following options are available for LOD tree export.

LODTreeExport sample

  "SkirtLength": "0",
  "TileOverlap": "-1",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalUnit": "Absolute",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureCompressionQuality": "75",
  "MaximumTextureSize": "8192",
  "TextureSharpening": "100",
  "LODType": "Adaptive",
  "LODScope": "TileWise",
  "LODSize": "2.82842712474619",
  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx"

double The skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt length is given in pixels.


double TileOverlap handles the overlap distance between two tiles in order to avoid gaps. The size is in units/meters/feet depending of the coordinate systems of the production.


bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)
  • Resolution (Resolution of input data)

double TextureColorSourceResRangeMin sets the resolution value that will be represented as green color in case of Resolution texture.If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceResRangeMax sets the resolution value that will be represented as red color in case of Resolution texture. If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


string TextureColorSourceThermalUnit handles the unit for the Thermal texture. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored. Possible values are:

  • Absolute (Absolute values)
  • Equalized (Equalized values)
  • Celsius (Celsius degrees)
  • Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit degrees)

double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the lower bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the upper bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


int TextureCompressionQuality sets the quality of the output texture. Possible values are:

  • 100 (100% quality JPEG)
  • 90 (90% quality JPEG)
  • 75 (75% quality JPEG)
  • 50 (50% quality JPEG)

int MaximumTextureSize sets the maximum size for one texture file.


int TextureSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

string LODType specifies the type of Level of Details to be used for the production. Possible values are:

  • None (None)
  • Unary (Simple levels)
  • Quadtree (Quadtree)
  • Octree (Octree)
  • Adaptive (Adaptive tree)
  • BingMaps (Bing Maps Tile System)

string LODScope specifies the scope of the computation of the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • TileWise (Tile-wise)
  • AcrossTiles (Across tiles)

double LODSize specifies the size of the nodes for the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • 2.82842712474619 (2XL)
  • 2 (XL)
  • 1.4142135623731 (Large)
  • 1 (Medium)

string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


The following options are available for Bentley DGN format.

DGN sample

  "SkirtLength": "0",
  "TileOverlap": "-1",
  "LODType": "None",
  "LODScope": "TileWise",
  "LODSize": "2.82842712474619",
  "TextureEnabled": "true",
  "TextureColorSource": "Visible",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceResRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalUnit": "Absolute",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin": "-1",
  "TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMax": "-1",
  "TextureCompressionQuality": "75",
  "MaximumTextureSize": "8192",
  "TextureSharpening": "100",
  "TouchupEnabled": "false",
  "SRS": "EPSG:xxxx",
  "SRSOrigin": "15.0; 2.3; -25.3"

double The skirt is an additional border included around each geometry node to avoid cracks between the different parts of the mesh. The skirt length is given in pixels.


double TileOverlap handles the overlap distance between two tiles in order to avoid gaps. The size is in units/meters/feet depending of the coordinate systems of the production.


string LODType specifies the type of Level of Details to be used for the production. Possible values are:

  • None (None)
  • Unary (Simple levels)
  • Quadtree (Quadtree)
  • Octree (Octree)
  • Adaptive (Adaptive tree)
  • BingMaps (Bing Maps Tile System)

string LODScope specifies the scope of the computation of the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • TileWise (Tile-wise)
  • AcrossTiles (Across tiles)

double LODSize specifies the size of the nodes for the Level of Details. Possible values are:

  • 2.82842712474619 (2XL)
  • 2 (XL)
  • 1.4142135623731 (Large)
  • 1 (Medium)

bool TextureEnabled activates or deactivates texture in the final production. If deactivated, any additional Texture option is ignored.


string TextureColorSource handles which source to use as texture. Possible values are:

  • Visible (Visible colors)
  • Thermal (Thermal imagery)
  • Resolution (Resolution of input data)

double TextureColorSourceResRangeMin sets the resolution value that will be represented as green color in case of Resolution texture.If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceResRangeMax sets the resolution value that will be represented as red color in case of Resolution texture. If you are not using Resolution texture, this option is ignored.


string TextureColorSourceThermalUnit handles the unit for the Thermal texture. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored. Possible values are:

  • Absolute (Absolute values)
  • Equalized (Equalized values)
  • Celsius (Celsius degrees)
  • Fahrenheit (Fahrenheit degrees)

double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the lower bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


double TextureColorSourceThermalRangeMin sets the upper bound of the temperature color scale. If you are not using Thermal texture, this option is ignored.


int TextureCompressionQuality sets the quality of the output texture. Possible values are:

  • 100 (100% quality JPEG)
  • 90 (90% quality JPEG)
  • 75 (75% quality JPEG)
  • 50 (50% quality JPEG)

int MaximumTextureSize sets the maximum size for one texture file.


int TextureSharpening activates the sharpening of the texture once it's computed. Possible values are:

  • 100 (Enabled)
  • 0 (Disabled)

bool TouchupEnabled specifies if the production is intended for future retouching.


string SRS specifies the Spatial Reference System for the production. A spatial reference system describes the coordinates system of the produced output. We expect a string Well Known Text definition (e.g. WGS84), "EPSG:" or a PROJ.4 definition. An empty string for this option means you are producing in a local system.


string SRSOrigin describes the origin of the Spatial Reference System.